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Expo provides families throughout Central Florida with the resources and services needed to start the 2014-2015 school year successfully through backpacks, school supplies, health screenings, haircuts, and more.
<">Orlando, FL (PRWEB) August 06, 2014
It’s back! It's time for Central Florida families to get free backpacks, school supplies, health screenings, haircuts, resource information and more. Join us Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. for the largest charity back-to-school expo in Central Florida.
The Hope Now International (HNI) team, headed by volunteer Michael Radka, will once again provide families throughout Central Florida with the resources and services needed to start the 2014-2015 school year successfully. As Radka notes, “Poverty affects not only a child’s performance in school, but all aspects of their life.” He adds, “How can we expect a child to positively progress in school when he or she has basic needs that are not being met – they are unsure where their next meal is coming from or where they are staying each night.” Per the National Kid’s Count Study, 25.6% of Florida’s children live in poverty – that’s 1,011,096 children.
HNI, in conjunction with many generous sponsors and supporters such as Sam’s Club, Florida Hospital, and HealthFair LLC., provide 10,000 backpacks, 400 dental screenings, thousands of health screenings, and over 1,000 haircuts to students at no cost. You can see all the sponsors and supporters at:
Each year, the HNI Back 2 School Expo serves as a resource for so many families who need the donated goods and services, or else may go without. The joy in receiving what so many contribute shows in the faces of students of all ages, parents, and volunteers who donate their time to make the event a success.
In addition to the Back 2 School Expo, the ‘Red Carpet Teachers’ Lounge will be open to educators who have pre-registered. They will receive classroom supplies, donations from vendors, and a nice time to relax and reconnect with fellow educators before the first day of school.
Media members, please join us for this annual event which kicks off the 2014-2015 school year with a day filled with fun, entertainment, and more!
For access to interviews, once on-site at the Amway Center, please contact Rey Ortiz, HNI volunteer at 407-721-2583 or at 321-948-3699. Families start lining up to gain entrance to the Amway Center well before the start time of 10 a.m.