Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của Vasa At Ucf
SOURCE: Vietnamese American of Central Florida
WHEN: Wednesday, February 3 at 5:30 PM
WHERE: UCF Barbara Ying Center ,4000 Central Florida Blvd, Bldg 81, Orlando, FL 32816
On April 30th, 1975, the capital city of Saigon (now Ho Chin Minh City) fell to the North Vietnamese Communist forces which marked the end of the Vietnam War and lead to the creation of Vietnamese communities all over America.
On April 13th, 2016, the Vietnamese American Student Association would like to invite you to the 41st commemoration of the Fall of Saigon. It will be a touching commemoration to honor the past, talk about the present state, and hope for the future of Vietnam. Come and support the veterans who fought for freedom in Vietnam, listen to speakers talk about their experiences and struggles coming to America, and let us not forget the past.
This is one of the most touching and meaningful VASA meeting of the year. Please invite your family and your friends, whether or not they’re Vietnamese or even go to the University of Central Florida. We would love to have our members share their parents’ stories as well or even have their parents come in and share what they went through.
Do you ever wonder how your parents came to America? Let’s us remember the lives that were lost and the struggles our elders went through. Please come dressed in all black and we hope you can come support us in this emotional and eye-opening event.
-Please come in all BLACK attire.