Thị Trưởng Buddy Dyer
Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của
Remembering the Victims of the Pulse Tragedy
Posted date: June 24, 2016
As our community continues to heal from this tragic event, we stand committed to creating a permanent space that will preserve the memory of those who lost their lives, provide comfort to those who seek it and honor the spirit and love of our great city.
We have learned from other communities that have experienced such great loss that this process will take time and should not be rushed. It is important that we have an open and transparent process that includes input from victims, families and the larger community.
We’ve created a partnership with the Orange County Regional History Center to collect and preserve letters, notes, signs and other non-perishable tribute items from memorials at public locations throughout the city. It is important that these items are protected for the victims, the families, the community and future generations.
The City will be establishing a community-based committee to oversee the process of creating a meaningful, permanent memorial where we all can remember each of those who were taken from us and the love they brought into this world.
Details including a timeline or a location have not been established and we ask that you please be patient as together we continue with this very sensitive and difficult work that will pay tribute to victims, survivors, families and our community.
– Buddy Dyer, Mayor