Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của City of Orlando
Posted date: July 09, 2015
National Night Out
During the months of July and August, we celebrate the success of our Neighborhood Watch program by participating in National Night Out. The National Night Out community campaign promotes the work our police, residents and businesses do to make our neighborhoods safer and better places to live. These types of partnerships have resulted in residential burglaries being down 23 percent.
Last year, our City’s National Night Out events drew more than 16,000 participants. This year we want to double that number. Throughout the months of July and August, the City will be hosting several events for the entire community including the National Night Out Safety Fair, National Night Out Goes to Church, National Night Out Day of Prayer and National Night Out Kickoff Parties. Citywide block parties in our neighborhoods will be happening the evening of August 4.
As Mayor, my top priority is the safety of our community and working with our residents to keep our neighborhoods safe. Year round, the Orlando Police Department supports more than 960 active Neighborhood Watches that play an important role in keeping crime out of our community. The City’s award winning Neighborhood Watch program is a shining example of the power of partnerships and how we are working together to keep our neighborhoods a safe place to live, work and play.
I hope you’ll join us at one of the many National Night Out events we’ll have this summer. For a full listing of events and how to get involved with Neighborhood Watch and National Night Out, click here.
– Buddy Dyer, Mayor